My Ten Best of 2015

January 06, 2016  •  1 Comment

This was harder than I thought! I have so many that I like but I chose these 10 because of what they mean to me and the stories behind them. I have left out some of my award-winning photos, even though they were photographed in 2015, so that I could share some newer images. You can see all of my award-winning photos in my Gallery.

Winter SlumberA red fox napping in the woods of Grand Teton National Park, WY

"Winter Slumber"
A Red Fox naps beneath a bent pine trunk on a snowy bank in Grand Teton National Park, WY.

Meadow HunterA Great Gray Owl perches on an old aspen branch while looking for meadow voles for its fledglings nearby.

"Meadow Hunter"
A Great Gray Owl perches on an old aspen branch while hunting meadow voles for its nearby fledglings in Grand Teton National Park, WY.

Lady of the LakeA Red Fox pauses to listen for the sounds of mice under the snow on Yellowstone Lake near Fishing Bridge.

"Lady of the Lake"
A Red Fox pauses to listen for the sounds of mice under the snow on Yellowstone Lake near Fishing Bridge.

Silent SentryA Great Gray Owl rests on an aspen branch in the late afternoon light near its three calling fledglings in Grand Teton National Park, WY.

"Silent Sentry"
A Great Gray Owl rests on an aspen branch in the late afternoon light near its three calling fledglings in Grand Teton National Park, WY.

All Ruffled UpA Great Horned Owl ruffles its feathers for warmth on a cold day at the edge of the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge in Millington, NJ.

"All Ruffled Up"
A Great Horned Owl ruffles its feathers for warmth on a cold day at the edge of the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge in Millington, NJ.

What's the Matter, Momma?A Red Fox Kit greets its injured mother in a field near my home, after their den was disturbed by a bulldozer.

"What's the Matter, Momma?"
A Red Fox Kit greets its injured mother in a field near my home, after their den was disturbed by a bulldozer.

Owlet in PinesA Great Gray Owlet sits near the end of a pine branch patiently awaiting the return of its parent, in Grand Teton National Park, WY.

"Owlet in Pines"
A Great Gray Owlet sits near the end of a pine branch patiently awaiting the return of its parent, in Grand Teton National Park, WY.

Teton MooseA young Bull Moose strides across the sagebrush flats in front of the lower Tetons, searching for bitter bush on a -20 degree morning in Grand Teton National Park, WY.

"Teton Moose"
A young Bull Moose strides across the sagebrush flats in front of the lower Tetons, searching for bitter brush on a -20 degree morning in Grand Teton National Park, WY.

Thank You, Screech OwlA rufous-morph Eastern Screech Owl looks out from the cavity of a Sycamore Tree near my home in NJ. My photos of this owl won a couple of awards in 2015, including Nature's Best Youth Highly Honored (18 and under), and 1st place in the Por el Planeta Nature, Wilidlife & Conservation Photography competition (11-14 year old). This photo is of the last time I saw this owl, and it makes me wonder how it is doing. I hope it's safe.

"Thank You, Screech Owl"

A rufous-morph Eastern Screech Owl looks out from the cavity of a Sycamore Tree near my home in NJ. 

My photos of this owl won a couple of awards in 2015, including Nature's Best Youth Highly Honored (18 and under), and 1st place in the Por el Planeta Nature, Wilidlife & Conservation Photography competition (11-14 year old).

This photo is of the last time I saw this owl, and it makes me wonder how it is doing. I hope it's safe.

Alone in the MeadowA Red Fox mother rests in a field of wildflowers while her kits play nearby, in Grand Teton National Park, WY.

"Alone in the Meadow"
A Red Fox mother rests in a field of wildflowers while her kits play nearby, in Grand Teton National Park, WY.


Katrina S. Willey(non-registered)
Wonderful photographs!
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